America is Back!

In a record-breaking State of the Union address, President Trump regaled us with stories of the trials and triumphs of everyday Americans, all the while laying out a vision for the Golden Age of America.

President Trump elaborated on the mandate given to him by a majority of the American people. He brought ordinary people to the House Chamber and told their stories in order to give his initiatives a purpose and a sense of urgency.  He had much to say.

He will “save our auto workers from economic destruction”.  He will bring back free speech and restore true democracy.  He will balance the federal budget. He pledged to support our police so they are able to make difficult decisions without fear of repercussion.  He charged Bobby Kennedy to find out what is making our children so sick.  

It’s time for “big dreams and bold action.”

In his inimitable style, he zealously listed out and marveled at the number of people well over 100 years old who were receiving social security benefits.  There was one recipient, he heard, who was an incredible 360 years old, 100 years older than the United States itself! “Bobby,” he said, turning to Kennedy, “we have a healthier country than I thought!”

He warned us things would be tough for a while, but he encouraged us to stick with him.  “We’ll get it done!”  And when he says “we,” he means all of us-–himself, the people working with him, the entire body of Americans, even the people working against him.  He wants this country to be prosperous and safe for all people who call themselves American.

Speaking of people working against him, the subplot of tonight’s play was acted out in the petty and puerile behavior of the Democrats.  There we had a cautionary tale demonstrating how not to be relevant politicians.  When they were not shouting and complaining, they were holding up signs that read “False” or silently refusing to applaud the heroic Americans sitting above them in the gallery.  Early in the speech, the aging Representative from Texas, Al Green, was forcibly escorted out of the room.  Trump threw out some real zingers at their expense, calling Warren by her nickname (Pocahontas) and wondering that they could not clap for a Kennedy. He took them to task, saying that they would never applaud him, no matter how great his achievements were.  He left the dissenters with this thought: “The Media and Democrats kept saying we needed new legislation to secure our border, but it turned out all we needed was a new president.”

President Trump made many amazing statements. He said that wokeness is trouble. There are only two genders. The military must be a lethal fighting force. Energy independence makes us safe, strong, and wealthy. A country without a border is not a country.  English is our official language. People should be judged by the quality of their character, not the color of their skin. All the outrageous statements he made tonight are simply things we have always known, time out of mind. Common sense is back. America is back. God bless America.

“The Golden age of America has only just begun.”